Uganda's Milton Kambula urges US govt to base policies on Africa's Ubuntu, respect for humanity

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Uganda's Milton Kambula urges US govt to base policies on Africa's Ubuntu, respect for humanity
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Peace Service Ambassador Kambula Kambula has advised the U.S President Biden and his administration to formulate policies guided by the African concept and narrative of ‘Ubuntu’ which upholds respect for humanity and common shared values for global peace and win-win partnerships.

This was during the recent National Action Network (NAN) convention held at the prestigious Sheraton Hotel in New York, United States of America where he shared the platform with among others, the U.S President Joe Biden, Rev. Al Sharpton, the founder of NAN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield U.S Ambassador to the United Nations, Phil Murphy, the Governor of New Jersey.

Peace Service Amb. Milton Kambula educated America on the power of African civilization which can be used to guide the world to end crime, wars, injustices and poverty.

"We should understand that we are all members of one family under God, and as citizens in our respective countries, we are expected to live for the sake of each other through the culture of service, volunteerism, love, forgiveness, dialogue and compassion. We are connected to that power where we get constitutionalism, rule of law, human rights concepts and the dignity that we want to give to every human being," Kambula said.

He said the lack of  understanding that all humans share one common origin is the reason that there exist injustices in America and other parts of the world.

"Failure to appreciate that we all came from one spiritual God the creator and that one day we shall go back to him is the sources of all the devils and the injustices that are happening here in America."

Kambula urged for a reboot of the whole world towards "this civilisation", noting that this   is the wisdom that Africa had many years ago which that helped to understand how to live with each other in peace and harmony.

"Our fore African fathers had power to talk to God individually not through colonial religions but through faith and spirituality. They received instructions and values direct from God and they were able to live with one another in peace and harmony. It is important for us today to walk and demonstrate certain common shared values that bring unity, understanding, peace, justice and harmony."

Kambula said that one of these values is “Ubuntu” a word that I am resurrecting from a 5000 years ago African civilization.

"It means that ‘You are because I am and  I am because you are’. That is the basis to end injustice in America, in Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa. The moment you understand that your success depends on your neighbour, on your community and other people in other countries then you will not build nuclear bombs to hurt other people around the world."

"When we grow in the culture of Ubuntu then we come to the culture of living for the sake of others which means putting up systems which serve the greater good of others in the whole world including the environment."

Kambula called for a reboot  and build conversations around education so that  children can be able to understand that Africa opened up to welcome other people because African civilization maintained the understanding that everyone is part of Africa and its Africans that birthed everyone else.

"Unfortunately, our brothers and sisters, the colonialists’ mis-used us the Africans by putting up a colonial education model that makes us blind, weak and unemployed so that we depend on other people and nations around the world.

But it was our nature and civilization to serve others, and help everyone live in peace and harmony"

" All people else where must understand the position of Africa which is a delight for the entire world to be prosperous. Our desire has always been to feed the whole world, to make everybody strong and become champions."

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